Incorporate in Texas

Ranked as the top US state for companies, Texas is home to over 1.5 mil. businesses. Corporation entity structure is designed for business that dreams big.

Just $49 + $301 State Fee

Create Corporation in TX

Benefits of a Texas Corporation

Why choose Corporation vs LLC for new business in Texas?

Limited Liability Protection

Limited Liability Protection

LLCs are treated as a separate legal entity, giving members limited liability protection of their personal assets.

Fluid Ownership

Fluid Ownership

The shareholders own stock in the company and vote for a board of directors to oversee the business.

Raise Capital

Raise Capital

Corporations can raise unlimited amounts of money through the sale of common or preferred stock.

Perpetual Existance

Perpetual Existence

Corporations live on in perpetuity – unless the shareholders vote to dissolve the company.

Why Choose Filenow?

We help you navigate the process of starting a company with confidence, because we’ve done it before.


Expert Guidance

Less Paperwork Less Paperwork

We handle the incorporation, you run the business.

Unlimited Phone and Email Support Unlimited Phone, Email and Chat Support

Live customer support
available 24/7.

Fastest Processing

24-hour Order Processing 24-hour Order Processing

The fastest processing time; no additional cost to you.

Express Shipping and Electronic Delivery Express Shipping and Electronic Delivery

A quick, convenient, and secure way to receive your documents.

Risk-free Service

Error-free Guarantee Error-free Guarantee

Expert-reviewed. Error-free filing, or your money back.

No Hidden Fees Cheaper Than Using a Lawyer with No Hidden Fees

Clear, upfront pricing.
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Corporation Requirements in TX

What to expect when filing Certificate of Incorporation in Texas.

Certificate of Formation

Certificate of Formation is the document that must be filed with filed with Texas Secretary of State to form your Corporation. Filenow helps you prepare this document along with necessary paperwork.

Corporation Name

Name of your Corporation in Texas must contain words “Corporation” “Incorporated” “Limited” or the abbreviations “Corp.”, “Inc.” or “Ltd.”

Texas State Fees

Filenow will collect and pay Certificate of Formation State Fee on your behalf directly to the Texas Secretary of State.

Service Filing Times State Fee
Certificate of Formation 6 Days $301