Why Choose Filenow?
We help you navigate the process of starting a company with confidence, because we’ve done it before.
Expert Guidance
Less Paperwork
We handle the incorporation, you run the business.Unlimited Phone, Email and Chat Support
Live customer supportavailable 24/7.
Fastest Processing
24-hour Order Processing
The fastest processing time; no additional cost to you.Express Shipping and Electronic Delivery
A quick, convenient, and secure way to receive your documents.Risk-free Service
Error-free Guarantee
Expert-reviewed. Error-free filing, or your money back.Cheaper Than Using a Lawyer with No Hidden Fees
Clear, upfront pricing.Benefits of an LLC
Why choose LLC vs Corporation for your new business?
Limited Liability Protection
LLCs are treated as a separate legal entity, giving members limited liability protection of their personal assets.
Pass-through Taxation
Taxes are not paid at the business level – instead, income and loss are reported on the members’ tax return.
Flexible Management
Some LLCs are member-managed, similar to general partnerships, other LLCs are manager-managed.
Minimal Compliance
LLCs generally have few state-mandated requirements with minimal accompanying paperwork.
Our Process
How we provide a seamless experience to form your business.
Step 1
Complete the Company Formation Wizard
Not sure which entity works best for your new business? The Filenow Wizard removes the guesswork! Just answer a few questions.
Step 2
Expert Review and Document Preparation
We verify company name availability, check your application for errors, then prepare all required forms.
Step 3
Your Company is Filed with the DOS
Your application is prepared and submitted to the Department of State for approval, expedited options are available!
Step 4
Receive Your Corporation Package
Orders are processed and submitted to the DOS in 24 hours. Once the state approves, you will receive your corporation package.