Register Your LLC in Nevada

Nevada’s corporate and business law is one of the most flexible in the country. For this reason, it has always been considered one of the best states for small businesses. LLC entity structure is designed for small businesses.

Just $49 + $425 State Fee

Create LLC in Nevada

Benefits of a Nevada LLC

Why choose LLC vs Corporation for new business in Nevada?

Limited Liability Protection

Limited Liability Protection

LLCs are treated as a separate legal entity, giving members limited liability protection of their personal assets.

Pass-through Taxation

Pass-through Taxation

Taxes are not paid at the business level – instead, income and loss are reported on the members’ tax return.

Flexible Management

Flexible Management

Some LLCs are member-managed, similar to general partnerships, other LLCs are manager-managed.

Minimal Compliance

Minimal Compliance

LLCs generally have few state-mandated requirements with minimal accompanying paperwork.

Why Choose Filenow?

We help you navigate the process of starting a company with confidence, because we’ve done it before.


Expert Guidance

Less Paperwork Less Paperwork

We handle the incorporation, you run the business.

Unlimited Phone and Email Support Unlimited Phone, Email and Chat Support

Live customer support
available 24/7.

Fastest Processing

24-hour Order Processing 24-hour Order Processing

The fastest processing time; no additional cost to you.

Express Shipping and Electronic Delivery Express Shipping and Electronic Delivery

A quick, convenient, and secure way to receive your documents.

Risk-free Service

Error-free Guarantee Error-free Guarantee

Expert-reviewed. Error-free filing, or your money back.

No Hidden Fees Cheaper Than Using a Lawyer with No Hidden Fees

Clear, upfront pricing.
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Nevada LLC Requirements

What to expect when filing Articles of Organization in Nevada.

Articles of Organization

Articles of Organization is the document that must be filed with Nevada Secretary of State to form your LLC. Filenow helps you prepare this document along with necessary paperwork.

LLC Name

Name of your Nevada LLC must end with words “Limited Liability Company” or the abbreviations “LLC,” or “L.L.C.”

Nevada State Fees

Filenow will collect and pay Articles of Organization State Fee on your behalf directly to the Nevada Secreatary of State.

Service Filing Times State Fee
Articles of Organization 2-5 Days $425

Frequently Asked Questions

Our experts answer all important questions.

Is a business license required in Nevada?

Yes. Every single Nevada business, even if it is just operating in the state, is required to get an annual state business license.

What if my desired company name is not available?

Here at Filenow, we run a company name availability search in Nevada prior to filing documents with the Department of State (DOS). If the company name you want is not available, we will have a representative reach out to you by phone and email for a different name.

Can a company’s address be out of state or a P.O Box?

The quick answer to this question is yes. But for it to be a registered Nevada LLC you will have to provide the services of a Registered Agent who is located within the state where the formation of your company is being conducted.

How long does it take to start a Nevada LLC?

Standard fillings take about 30 business days to process. If you chose to do expedited filing, it can take around seven business days.

Do I need a Registered Agent?

Yes. To start an LLC, you will also need to list the name and address of the person who will be the LLC’s registered agent, someone to whom legal documents can be delivered. This person can be a member of the LLC, but they don’t have to be. But the registered agent must be a resident of Nevada or an authorized corporation like a registered agent service, in order to transact business in Nevada.