Why Choose Filenow?

We help you navigate the process of starting a company with confidence, because we’ve done it before.


Expert Guidance

Less Paperwork Less Paperwork

We handle the incorporation, you run the business.

Unlimited Phone and Email Support Unlimited Phone, Email and Chat Support

Live customer support
available 24/7.

Fastest Processing

24-hour Order Processing 24-hour Order Processing

The fastest processing time; no additional cost to you.

Express Shipping and Electronic Delivery Express Shipping and Electronic Delivery

A quick, convenient, and secure way to receive your documents.

Risk-free Service

Error-free Guarantee Error-free Guarantee

Expert-reviewed. Error-free filing, or your money back.

No Hidden Fees Cheaper Than Using a Lawyer with No Hidden Fees

Clear, upfront pricing.
FileNow LLC BBB Business Review

Rated 4.8 out of 5 based on 553 verified reviews on Shopper Approved

Common Mistakes To Avoid

When Forming Your Company

Inconsistent Info

Typos, spelling errors, incomplete/incorrect address, nicknames instead of full legal name, or inaccurate info.

Incomplete Filing

Not listing all members of an LLC, not listing all directors of a Corporation, or all shareholders of an S Corporation.

Missing Deadlines

Can result in company losing good standing status, dissolution by the state and possible legal and tax penalties.

Issues with Governing Documents

Dated operating agreements, missing provisions or bylaws.

After Formation

Failing to obtaining EIN, business licenses, insurance, missing deadlines.

Filenow helps you navigate creating your company correctly from the start and assists in keeping your business in good standing.

Error Free Guarantee

Our Process

How we provide a seamless experience to form your business.

Filenow Process

Step 1

Complete the Company Formation Wizard

Not sure which entity works best for your new business? The Filenow Wizard removes the guesswork! Just answer a few questions.

Step 2

Expert Review and Document Preparation

We verify company name availability, check your application for errors, then prepare all required forms.

Step 3

Your Company is Filed with the DOS

Your application is prepared and submitted to the Department of State for approval, expedited options are available!

Step 4

Receive Your Corporation Package

Orders are processed and submitted to the DOS in 24 hours. Once the state approves, you will receive your corporation package.

About Filenow

Starting a new business has never been easier.

Filenow’s team of business professionals and legal veterans guide you through the process of registering your company whether an LLC, S-Corp or a Corporation, much faster and for 5 times less than most lawyers charge.

We’ve created a simple and intuitive online application process that takes less than 20 minutes to complete. We’ll create all the forms and file them for you with the state. We’ll ensure that everything is completed accurately so that there are no delays in getting your company registered and ready to do business.

LLC, C Corporation, or S Corporation?

How to choose the right entity for your new business?

Limited Liability Company (LLC)


Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business structure which provides many benefits of a sole proprietorship (one owner) and partnership (multiple owners) while protecting the owners personal assets (limited liability) like a corporation.

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C Corporation

Corporation is an entity usually reserved for larger companies with complex operations including formal record keeping and reporting requirements, numerous shareholders, or businesses planning to raise capital by selling stock.

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S Corporation

S Corporation

S corporation is an entity that provides owners with limited liability, protecting the owners personal assets, while also allowing the shareholders to report business profits and losses on their individual tax returns.

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Help Me Choose

Help Me Choose

Are you looking to incorporate but are still unsure of which entity is right for your business? Our Incorporation Wizard will help you select the right entity.

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Starting a new business has never been easier than with Filenow.